Nihon no hanga is permanently closed
The physical location of Nihon no hanga is permanently closed as of December 2023. Our online presence will remain and we will continue to develop other projects.
Nihon no hanga is open for one final exhibition in November 2023:
Friday through Sunday, 13:00-17:00 hrs.
Admission is free and in order of arrival. We do not take reservations.
Visiting outside our open weekend
Currently we can only consider visits by individuals with research purposes and groups with a minimum of 10 participants (maximum of 25, costs apply). For more information, please contact us via e-mail.
Please contact us at least one month before your preferred visiting date. However, please keep in mind we might not be able to accommodate your visit, since we are a private museum operated by a small organisation.
Nihon no hanga is located in a 17th century canal house and has a number of steep stairs. Unfortunately we do not have a lift and are therefore not wheelchair accessible.